
Don’t Panic! Welcome to the Wanderer’s Guide.

wanderer's guide

Hey there and welcome to the Wanderer’s Guide to the Planet! This is a place for travel guides and stories from my adventures. For those of you brought here by the Douglas Adams references, I hope you have your towel and that you’ll stick around. Additional nerd references guaranteed.

For everyone, I’m so glad you’re here! I created the Wanderer’s Guide to share my adventures, photos, and recommendations. Of course, there are tons of travel blogs and sites out there. I cozy into the niche of nerdy foodies looking for adventure and chill without feeling like a tourist. (Check out my About Me page for more on this.)

It might seem like a strange time to start a travel blog, with COVID preventing many trips, but I’ve got a lot of free time in quarantine, so here we are. So, while I am publishing travel guides, I don’t encourage people to travel right now without seriously considering health and safety impacts. Some places I write about are currently not safe to visit, but I hope that my guides inspire future travel.

That being said, there are ways to travel safely, even during COVID. One immediate option: a road trip in less populated areas (as I plan to do in the coming few months). With my background in travel security, I can provide personalized guidance for anyone whose travel itch won’t go away. The COVID impacts and restrictions vary widely from place to place, and I am here to help!

Meanwhile, for those of us stuck at home, I hope that my stories and photos provide a bit of escapism. They will for me, as I sit on my couch in my small apartment imagining I’m floating through a Norwegian fjord or greeting sled dogs in Alaska or climbing a mountain in 113 degree heat in Morocco…errr, maybe not that last one. But certainly the post-hike chicken tagine on a Marrakech rooftop.